Monday, September 21, 2009

Lab 6

Venue : Makmal Sistem, Building FTMK.
Date : 10-9-2009
Time : 10.00 a.m. – 11.50 a.m.

After studying networking for almost three years finally I have the chance to get exposed to the topic related to hacking. To me hacking is a cool stuff and full of mystery sometimes. It allows people to bypass a network security without authority rights. As what I have known so far, hacking are characterised into two main types, they are white hat hacking (for good purposes only) and black hat hacking (for bad purposes). The title for the lab session this week was web application security.
Basically, we were using two tools to complete the tasks in this lab – WebGoat and WebScarab. WebGoat is a simulation toolkit used to demonstrate how we can exploit the vulnerabilities of a poorly design web application; while WebScarab is a tool designed for people who needs to expose to the workings of HTTP/ HTTPS based application. It is whether to allow the developer to debug for difficult problems or to allow the security specialist to identify vulnerabilities in the application.
After finished setup and configuring WebGoat and WebScarab, we started to do the tasks in the lab module. Basically, there were three tasks in the lab module. The tasks were about the top three web vulnerabilities based on OWASP – Cross site scripting (XSS), injection flaws and malicious file execution. XSS happens when a web application accept any input and sends it to a web browser without encoding the content.
Injection flaw like SQL injection will cause web application to run an SQL code that was not the intention of the application. The attacker might manipulate the SQL statement to perform the injection. The SQL query below is one of the examples that can be applied in PHP:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table user WHERE id = '" .$_REQUEST['id'] . "'";

The attacker can manipulate the statement by adding ‘OR1=1 -- or OR ‘1'=’1’ --. It will return all the data from the table named user.

Finally, the last task was about Malicious File Execution. It is the web application vulnerabilities caused by failing to control application input. The lab this week was indeed very interesting, although we just practised it using simulation tool, if it is happened in real life, I guess it would not be so interesting any more. It makes me think that the web application was not very safe after all, who knows one of my accounts like facebook, Friendster, email and so on has been hacked before? If one day I want to become a hacker, I would go for white hat hacker for sure.

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