Sunday, October 25, 2009

WEP Password Cracking

Venue : Makmal Sistem, Building FTMK.
Date : 15-10-2009
Time : 10.00 a.m. – 11.50 a.m.

This is the last lab session for this semester. The title for this lab was very interesting. It was about the password cracking for WEP. The tools needed for this lab were 1 wireless router which was accessed by several workstations. The workstations should be installed with Backtrack2. Backtrack2 is a very useful OS for hacking use. It was developed from Linux. It needs a lot of times for the cracking process. The more workstations we use, the fastest the cracking time. As the number of packets sent are directly proportional to the number of workstations available for the WLAN. To perform the hacking, I have learnt a lot of commands from Mr. Zaki. For example, “-airmon-ng”, “-airodunm-ng”, “-aireplay-ng” and so on. That was cool man! Due to the limited time, we could not see the final result of it, but we have learnt a lot from this lab. I will try that myself for sure. This reminds me to be careful when wanna use wireless connection next time…

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